Woohoo!! I'm outta town tomorrow! No! It's today considering the time! Visiting my cousins from my Mother's side! As a matter of fact, I should be sleeping now since I gotta be awake early. Nah.. the night is still young!
LOL. And oh, I haven't seen my cousins for almost 2 years!! They don't live that far! Just can't find the right time to go! So near, yet so far!
Sighs.. its just a day trip! not putting a night elsewhere!
Never mind, back to my bed again! Voted as the best place to REST by
Peng Hooi!
lol. Talking bout' bed, I feel that I gotta get a new one! A longer bed! Damn! My legs are always out of my bed because it doesn't fit!Practically, I'm taller than my bed! So, what you think? By any chance, I'll just fall if I
don't align my self properly! Being tall is good huh? Not always! But wait! My room is not that big! How on earth should can the larger bed fit in my room then?
Hmm.. I guess I'll have to invent a new invention of BED! Just something new! Or something to shrink my self before bed!
Ha ha! then change 'Honey, I Shrunk The Kids' to 'Honey, I Shrunk MYSELF!'
lol. OK, I better hit the sack now! My eyes are barely opening! Goodnight everyone! And oh! Plan to catch Santa in act has failed! Mission Aborted! Well,