Thursday, December 25, 2008

Lets Party!!!

Oo..yeah!! Party in another couple more hours. Right, its port luck. So, I need to get some Thousand Island and Mayonnaise for the party. I'm not sure what they're gonna do with it. 'Just bring it!' said my friend. I was like, OK anything! Oh yeah, my friend is really good at barbecuing! I think it's the marinate and the way it is roasted! Yummy!! Food is meant to be enjoyed! quoted by one of my friends! So, screw all the weight gain! Food first! haha..And I'll be learning it from him. Maybe just a few basic skills to roast the meat to perfection! I might can show it off at the BBQ party at my President's place! Then everyone would be like 'Woah!! He's a pro!'. lol, Lame! Talking bout' roasting, I feel like I'm burning! It's now a scorching temperature of 31 degrees! People!! we need winter in Malaysia! Not too extreme, maybe just a mild winter. It'll be awesome!! Alright, I'll go bathe now before I go out shopping for the Thousand Island and Mayonnaise! By the way, I'm listening to T.A.T.U - Dangerous and Moving. Not bad though! Alright, chiaozz!! I'm off!

-Peng Hooi-

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